[?], Crip
[?], Doretha
[?], John
[?], Julia
[?], Kitty
[?], Pres
[?], Richit
[?], Shep
[?], Smitty
[?], Vernell "Cooter"
[?], William
Ad Hoc Committee for Akwesane Rights
Adams, Beatrice, Rev. Dr.
Adams, Ulysses
Af-Lateef, Yasmin
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Alamin, A. Robb
Alcoa Aluminum Co.
Alexander, Lee
Alexander, Vincent
Allen, Frank
Allen, Harrison
Allen, Rosemary Rivers
Anderson, Charles
Anderson, Frank E.
Apollo Theater
Aranas, Raul
Army Corp
ArtRage Gallery
Atkins, Bessie
Atkins, Cleo
Atkins, Cynthia
Atkins, Doll
Atkins, Ester
Atkins, Gene, Jr.
Atkins, Gene, Sr.
Atkins, Joseph
Atkins, Michael
Atkins, Michael, Jr.
Atkins, Mike
Atkins, Saunsherie
Aunt Edith Luncheonette
Babatunde, Akin
Bacon, Donell
Bailey, Edward
Barid, Raymond
Beard, Melvin, Dr.
Bellgrove Church
Bellvue Country Club
Belt, E. Harrison
Belt, Howard
Belt, Leslie
Belt, Marvin
Belt, Mary E.
Bennett, Guernsey
Benson-Curry, Betty
Bethany Baptist Church
Betsy, Lenton
Beverly, Frankie
Bileskis (baseball team)
Bill Scott Oldsmobile
Billips Plantation
Bilson, John David Kwame, III
Bing-King, Vernita
Black History Month Proclamation Ceremony
Black History Preservation Project
Black, [?]
Black, George M.
Blackman, Paul
Bowns, [?]
Branch, Andrew
Branch, Herman
Braun, Jim
Breland, Ida
Breland, Manny
Breland, Matthew
Breland, Richard
Brickman, [?]
Briggs, Larry
Bristol, Jean
Bristol, William
Brooks, Bernice Harris
Brooks, Edward
Brooks, Ellis
Brooks, Walter
Brooks, Willie
Broome-Smith, Emily
Brown, [?]
Brown, Eddie
Brown, Jim
Brown, Julia
Brown, Julie Jones
Brown, Leman
Brown, Otis
Brown, Theodore
Bryant, [?]
Burns, Paul
Burns, Peter
Caldwell, Donald
Camp Woodlawn
Campbell, Duncan
Campbell, Kim
Campbell, Ray
Carter, Marjorie D.
Carter, Marjorie Dey
Cash, Rosa
Castoria, Angie
Catholic Inter-Racial Council (Chicago, Ill.)
Central City Businessmen's Association
Central High School
Central New York Baseball League
Central Technical High School
Chapman, Isabella
Char-Walls Restaurant
Cheek, Earl
Cheek, Thomas
Christensen, Joan
Civic Coordinating Caucus
Clarence, [?]
Clark, Monroe
Clary Middle School
Clinton, Bill, 1946-
Clinton, Hillary Rodham, 1947-
Coles, [?]
Collins, Carlton
Colvin, Robert
Colvin, Ruth
Commonweal Club
Consolidated Industries of Greater Syracuse
Constellation of Junior Stars
Cooper, Alberta
Cooper, Cecil
Cooper, Elaine
Corcoran High School
Corcoran, Mark
Corso, Tony
Cortland State Teachers' College
Cotten, Elizabeth
Craddock, Elanor
Crane, Sandra
Cross, Ida
Crouse Hospital
Cubs (baseball team)
Cummings, Betty Jean
Daly, Margaret
Darby, [?]
Darby, Golden B.
Day, [?]
Debity, Ruth Williams
Del. Cords
Delta Sigma Theta
Department of Public Works
Dewitt, Muriel
Dey, [?]
Dietz, John S.
Dixie, Robert
Dixie, Walter
Dixon, [?]
Dixon, June Marie
Douglas, [?]
Douglas, Harrison
Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895
Downing, Jan
Drummon Country Club
Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963
Dumas, Gloria
Dunbar American Legion Post 1642
Dunbar Association
Dunbar Building
Dunbar Center
Dunbar Dramatic Club
Dunbar House
Dunham, Clarence (Junie) Ellsworth, Jr.
Dunham, Clarence Ellsworth, Sr.
Dunham, Leona M.
Dunham, Leona N.
Eagles (baseball team)
Easterly, Dick
Eastern Gospel Travelers
Edge, Herman
Edwards, Wilma Mae
Eleutherian Society
Eure, Buddy
Eure, Charles
Eve, Arthur
Felton, Reggie
Fernadez, Peter Jay
Festival of Negro Music
Fields, Milton
Fields, Viola
First Baptist Church
Flanagan, Vallarie
Foster, [?], Rev.
Foster, Louise
Foy, [?]
Francis, Lawrence
Franklin, Karin
Freedom's Journal
Fuller, James E.
Gadona, Annette
Ganley, Mike
Garnet, Henry Highland
Gayle, Christopher Columbus
General Electric
Genesee Street Boys Club
Gibson, Cheryl
Goldstein, Gene
Gospel Temple COGIC
Grace Church (Episcopal)
Grace, Carlton
Grace, T.
Green, Eliott
Green, Maureen
Green, Nesbit
Green, Roosevelt
Greene, Gwendolyn
Griggs, Andrew Lee Willis, Jr.
Griggs, Andrew Lee Willis, Rev.
Grocery, L. B.
Hagen, Bert
Hagen, Sylvester
Hanke, Ziggy
Harding, [?]
Harlow, Carmen
Harlow, Franklin
Harlow, Howard
Harlow, Philip
Harris, Darnell
Harris, Elizabeth
Harris, Frederick
Harris, Henry
Harris, Otis, Jr.
Harris, Otis, Sr.
Harrison, Connie
Harrison, Homer
Harrison, Ike
Harrison, Ike M.
Hartwick Seminary
Harvey, Charles
Harvey, Dawn
Harvey, Laurence
Harvey, Thomas
Hayden, Al
Hayden, Geneva
Hayes, Afrika
Henby, Beverly
Henniger High School
Hernandez, Lupe
Herring, Donnie
Herring, Laymon
Herring, Roscoe
Hi-Lite Studio
Hodges, Bill
Holley, Victor Emanuel, Rev.
Howe, John
Hunter, Brian
Hylton, [?]
Hylton, Dorothy
Irons, Gerald
Irvis, Howard W., Sr.
Jackson, [?]
Jackson, Esther
Jackson, Jackie
Jepson, Mike
Job's Daughters
John F. Kennedy High School
Johns, Elsie
Johnson, [?]
Johnson, George Leon
Johnson, Herbert
Johnson, Hoppy
Johnson, J. Rosamond (John Rosamond), 1873-1954
Johnson, K.
Johnson, Kelvin
Johnson, Marge "Boo"
Johnson, Valerie-Jean
Johnson, W. H.
Johnson, Willard
Jones, [?], Rev.
Jones, Briget
Jones, Ernest
Jones, Eva
Jones, Joseph David
Jones, Joyce
Jones, LeRoy "Bud"
Jones, Mary Lou
Jones, Nita
Jones, Ted
Jones, Ulysses
Keares, Delores
Keaton, [?]
Keaton, Emma
Kennedy, Robert F., 1925-1968
King, Alice
King, Margaret Louise
King, Vernita
Knaul, Willie
Lang, Has
Lanier, Alice
Latham, Charlie
Lawrence, [?]
Lawrence, William P., Rev.
LeMoyne Tigers (baseball team)
Leonard, Buddy
Life Every Voice and Sing
Lippes, Richard
Litchfield, Florence
Littlejohn, Linda
Litwack, Carl
Lombardi, Tarky
Long, Ernestine
Louney, Daniel
Lurner, [?] Sr.
Lurner, Harold, Jr.
Lynch, Vela
Lyncourt (baseball team)
Lyncourt Merchants (baseball team)
Lynn, Conrad
MacDowell, Spencer Curtis
Madison Gorge Plantation
Magnarelli, Armond
Marco, Lucy
Martino, Theardis
Mary's Hair Boutique
Matthews, James A.
Mattison, [?]
Mattison, Patricia
Mayo, Jo-Anne
Mayo, Sandra
Mayor's Permanent Conference on Minority Affairs
Maze, [?]
McAllister, Bubbsy
McDonald, Emma
McElroy, Gladys
McFarland, Alexandra
McKinley-Brighton Magnet School
McKinney, Langston
Medley, [?]
Mellor, Stephen
Meno, Lionel
Merrich, Jim
Merrick, Cas
Merrick, Cass
Merrick, James
Merrick, Lorraine
Merrill, June
Meyers, Buddy
Mike, Jeffel
Milhouse, Marilyn
Miller, [?]
Miller, Arlene
Mini-Academic Olympics
Mitchell, Junie
Mitchell, Stephen
Mohammed, Warith Dead, Imam
Moody, Donald
Moody, Martha
Moody, Mary
Moore, Barbara
Moore, Billy
Moore, Emily
Moore, Fannie Mae
Moore, Horace
Moore, Ike
Moore, Isaac
Moore, Phillip
Moore, Ralph
Moore's Body Shop
Moore's Chapel
Mordecai, Sophronia
Morgan, Eugene
Moriarity, John
Moses, Ralph
Mothers' Inner-City Legal Defense Association
Mount Sinai Hospital (New York, N.Y.)
Muhammad, Brenda Billins
Muhammad, Clara, Sister
Muhammad, Elijah, Honorable
Muhammad, Keith Herring
Muhammad, Mark Herring
Munson, Howard J.
Musick, Helen Williams
Nard, Jess
Nation of Islam
National Catholic Conference on Interracial Justice
Neighborhood Youth Corps.
Nelson, Al
Nelson, Alvin
Nelson, Bixby
Nelson, David
Nelson, Joslyn
Nelson, Juanita
Nelson, Lester
Nelson, Marshall
Nelson, Mary
Nelson, Mary Belt
Nelson, Ruth
Nicholson, Joseph
Nimmons, Aurelia
Nimmons, Ruth
North Syracuse (baseball team)
Nottingham High School
O'Connell, Richard
O'Connell, Willie
Odom, Loretta
Old General Hospital
Omega Psi Phi
Onondaga County Board of Supervisors
Onondaga County Public Library. Beauchamp Branch
Onondaga Historical Association
Onondaga Historical Museum
Order of the Eastern Star
Organization of Triangle
Osbourn, [?], Fr.
Page, [?]
Page, Alice Louise
Page, Cecilia
Page, Cedric
Page, Cedric Daniel
Page, Celia
Page, Daniel
Page, Daniel Elmer
Page, Elizabeth
Page, Elizabeth Ann
Page, Frances Elizabeth Crosley
Page, Fred
Page, Frederick A., Jr.
Page, Frederick Harris
Page, Harry
Page, Harry Sheldon
Page, Hooker
Page, Isabelle
Page, Melvin
Page, Melvin Harris
Page, Nancy
Page, Nancy A.
Page, Ola Mae Williams
Page, Rebecca
Page, Sammie Elizabeth Jones
Page, Walter
Panamerican/Panafrican Association
Park, Kirk
Patton, David H.
Payton Temple Church
People's African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
Perry, Sandy
Phalen-Bastedo, Lisa
Pierce, Bruce
Pierce, James
Pike, Dick
Pioneer Homes
Potter, Ella Mae
Potts, [?]
Powell, Eddie
Powell, Ernie
Powell, Kevin
Powell, Ray
Price, Bob
Price, Ezzie
Price, Jimmie
Price, Muriel
Price, Ralph
Pritchard, Robert Starling
Progressive Herald
Que Reunion
Rainbow Girls
Raiser, Edith
Ramblers (baseball team)
Randolph, A. Philip (Asa Philip), 1889-1979
Rasberry, Robert
Raymond, Adrien
Recreation-Optimist League
Reeves, [?]
Reeves, Malchester
Regensberger, Edith
Reid, Moses
Reid, Sarah
Ren Jrs.
Republican Party
Reynolds Metals Co.
Rhodes, Nancy Keefe
Rhodfox, Clifford Roadfox
Rile, Courtney
Risser, William
Rivers, Florence
Roberts, Sidney L.
Robinson, Van B.
Rockwell, Clayton
Rodgers, Dorothy
Rodman, Scott D.
Roe, [?]
Roe, Frankie
Roger, Stephen
Rogers, [?]
Rogers, Washington J., Jr.
Rollins-Shepard, Ina
Roosevelt Junior High School
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 1884-1962
Rose, Sheila
Roux, Raymond
Rowser, Shirley
Rowser, Shirley Harris
Ruidl, William J.
Sachse, Harry R.
Salt City Clippers
Sam, Joe
Sampson, Jim
Sampson's Moving & Trucking Co.
Sams, Joe
Sarno, A. J.
Savannah State College
Schneider family
Science and Technology Entry Program
Scott, George
Scott, William
Sease, Mildred
Seward, Willie
Seymour, Debbie
Sheila's Chic Gallery
Shepard, Arthur
Shepard, Don
Shepard, Ela
Shepard, Leon
Shepard, Martha
Shephard, Johnny
Shephard, Sam
Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891
Shuma, [?]
Shuma, Boaz
Shuma, Gievene
Shuma, Nannette
Sierra Club
Simmons, Eric
Simmons, Jane
Simon, Terea Mishele
Skinner, Arturo
Sloan, Anthony
Smith, Alfreda
Smith, Annette
Smith, Barbara
Smith, Deola
Smith, Dornely
Smith, Fred
Smith, Gladys
Smith, Gloria
Smith, Helen
Smith, Helen H.
Smith, Howard
Smith, Howard D.
Smith, Lenny
Smith, Myrtle
Smith, Robert
Smith, Shirley
Smokes, Saundra
Southside Preparatory Association
Speiser, Allen
Squair, Lyall
Square, Andrew
St. Philip's Episcopal Church
St. Regis Canadian Mohawk Band
Stalen, Wayne
State University of New York. College of Environmental Science and Forestry
Stelle, [?]
Stokes, Kathleen
Stokes, Vera
Stolitza, Paul
Sugar Ray's
Sullivan, John
Sumpter, [?]
Swengbe, Comfort
Sylvahn, Luther
Syracuse Bears (baseball team)
Syracuse Black Leadership Congress
Syracuse Boys' Club
Syracuse City School District
Syracuse Monarchs (baseball team)
Syracuse Police Department
Syracuse Press Club
Syracuse Stage
Syracuse United Neighbors
Syracuse University
Syracuse University South Side Initiative
Syracuse-Onondaga County Human Rights Commission
Taylor, Thomas V.
The Dunbar Center
Thibault, Gary
Thomas, Edith M.
Thompson, Doreen
Thompson, Earline
Thompson, Esther
Thompson, Luke
Thompson, Rose
Tommy's Barbershop
Tucker, Bill
Tuskegee Airmen
Two Foundations at "Applecrest"
Union Army
United States. Army
Upstate Medical University (N.Y.)
Usherwood, Steve
Valley High School
Van Duyn School
Vanderpool, Charles
Vereen, Leashia
Vocational High School
Wallar, Willard
Washington, Henry A.
Washington, Jerry
Washington, Mary
Weatherly, Wilson
Welch [?]
Werts, Robert
West, [?]
West, Mildred
Western Electric Company
White, Annette Smith
White, Marjorie
White, Mary
White, Michael Jerome
White, Peter
White, Ray
Whitefield, Mr.
Wiggins, Wiggy
Wilkens, Marjorie
Wilkerson, Zola
Wilkins, Dave
Wilkins, Marjory Werts
William, Henry "Jerry"
Williams Bros. Grocery Store
Williams, Andy
Williams, Calpurnia
Williams, Dorothy Johnson
Williams, Eddie
Williams, Ethel
Williams, Jim
Williams, Joe
Williams, John
Williams, John A.
Williams, Margaret
Wilson, Mary
Wilson, Mary Ann
Winson, Donald
Wolowick, Nick
Wood, Yvonne
Woodson, Carter G.
Wright, Barbara Jean
X, Malcolm
Yamini, Amatullah
Yancy, Sue
Young, Pansy
Youth Registration Committee
Zawlaki, Chuck